New thinking. New designs. Brilliantly simple solutions.

Our first mission - solving suction safety issues

There are many common suction safety challenges prevalent in hospitals, despite the best intentions and high-practice standards of frontline clinicians.

The most critical suction issues are in emergency situations when a patient requires immediate suctioning, whether it be in Resus, ICU, Recovery, Theatre or an emergency intubation on the ward.

When its needed, its needed fast.

What common issues in the clinical setting prevent the immediate deployment of suction equipment?

  • Missing suction equipment (No yankauer)

  • Contaminated/Dirty suction equipment

  • Tangled and confused suction equipment

  • Not easily accessible suction equipment

Our founder's driving philosophy

If there's no current solution to an ongoing problem, its up to you to go out and find one.

And don't stop until you've truly solved the problem.

Don't settle for partial. Go for perfect.